Egbert belde dattie nu toch echt wel eens zo’n dollar van me wilde kopen… Ook als support om naar Burning Man te gaan… Ik zeg: Als je me een opdracht geeft… vin ik het altijd leuk om samen iets te bedenken… waar moet het over gaan..?? Hij belt even later terug: ‘Burn… Burn, Burn.. Iets […]
Somehow my Dollar Art hit the internet by the end of 2004, beginning of 2005. Over 600.000 people visited my website during a 5 month period: And I didn’t have an internet shop..!!! Playboy and FHM did an interview/review on the money art.
It’s always nice to get a commission. Especially when it is One that seems to be totally perfect fit for me …. asked me to make an Art work on Shayana.Now Who is Shayana…!I didn’t find anything on the Internet…So, I made a phone call and asked Ricky from Shayana-shop: Who is Shayana. I […]
At the art academy in Amsterdam we had an exchange program with PRATT New York. One of the students was the Korean photographer Diana Cho, and after sharing some art classes we fell in love. After half a year she returned to New York and the last thing she gave me was a kiss and […]
Open 7 days a Week. From 11 in the Morning till 10 at night..! Come and have a look @ over 50 statues and 25 paintings. The full show will be untill 15 februari, and then continue in a smaller form for the rest of 2011. KOKOPELLI. Warmoesstraat 12 Amsterdam
I had a little art show in Tokyo. Japanese Fashion Magazine Popeye had this to say about it: Popeye – October 2005